President's Message - 3 Telecommunications

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President's Message

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Presidents Report
3 Telecommunications Unit Association
Annual General Meeting  - 02 December 2023

Welcome to all members, family and friends, to the 3 Telecommunications Unit AGM 2023.

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge and thank the Committee for their work throughout this year past. We have had a number of changes to manage and your committee has, as always, done an excellent job. On behalf of the Association, I thank all of you.

As is customary at the AGM, all Committee positions are up for renewal and this will be dealt with as part of the AGM business. From my perspective as President, it has been a pleasure and an honour to act in that role, and to work with this Committee. I commend all of them to you.

Pleasingly, I am advised that our membership has increased yet again, to over 90 financial members. This augers well for the future of our association, and we, as your committee, will continue to pursue our intention of ensuring that your continued membership is attractive and worthwhile.

Our social activities this year have been well subscribed, and much enjoyed by all who attended. This year, concurrent with the 77 th Anniversary Luncheon in Perth, a party gathered in Brisbane also to celebrate the event. This was exceptionally well received, and has prompted much discussion on the potential for an Eastern States branch of the Association. There is considerable enthusiasm and support for the idea. This matter has been raised as an agenda item in the AGM business.

Looking ahead, our ANZAC Day 2023 activities will be slightly different from previous years. The march itself will be much the same, however, RSL WA has advised there will be a Veterans and their families focused event on Langley Park at the conclusion of the march, details of which will be publicised in due course.

The venue for the 3TU Association ANZAC Day luncheon has had to change due to the Seasons Hotel being closed for renovations. The replacement venue is My Place, also on Pier Street, adjacent to Seasons Hotel. Luncheon format and costs are anticipated to be similar to previous years; again, full details will be provided in advance of the event.

Committee members represent the 3TU Association at the RSL WA Unit and Kindred (U&K) Association meetings, up to four times a year. This is the prime source of information for our participation in ANZAC Day and other commemorative events, and our input is always appreciated.
Through our U&K Association connection, 3TU Association Committee members have participated in Wreath Laying ceremonies this year; this has been personally rewarding for those members involved, and greatly appreciated by those ex-Service organisations we have supported. If any Association members are involved with any particular Service or ex-Service organisations they would like to support in this manner, please make your thoughts known to the committee.

RAAFA WA continues to welcome the 3TU Association participation in their activities, such as Branch Forums, and committee members attend where possible. Members are encouraged to  access services such as Veteran Advocacy and a range of social events, facilities and function rooms offered by RAAFA WA.

Work has commenced on the revamping of the 3TU Association website. This has been necessitated due to the current website not meeting our requirements, and a major overhaul and rebuild is required to cope with newer support software and applications.

Similarly, work continues with efforts to have 3 Telecommunications Unit publicly recognised with a commemorative plaque or similar, although due to a number of issues, there is increasing support to establish the plaque at RAAF Base Pearce rather than the actual 3TU site.  

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is the President’s Report 2023. On behalf of the Committee and myself, I thank you for your support throughout the past year. We, the Committee, are very much looking forward to continuing to work in support of the membership in the coming year.
Thank you.

Ken McLennan

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